On Call by David C Thompson

I was captivated by this book from the opening pages as David described the testimony of Lop in a Cambodian village that a American missionary stopped at overnight. The missionary could not stay in the village but told Lop to pray and God would answer his prayers. 18 years later Lop heard the story of Jesus in his own village once again through David's parents. Despite years of opposition Lop had remained true to his decision to follow Christ and testified continually of God helping him. A prayer answered.

David's father suffered violent abuse at the hands of his step-father who on hearing of his decision to follow Christ ordered him out of the home. This one decision led him to become a pastor and then a missionary in Cambodia. Later David would receive news while studying in America that both his parents had been killed in Vietman. 

David had made his own decision many years before to become a doctor and pursued this career with the purpose of serving God hopefully in Asia. God had other plans and David ended up in Gabon Africa. 

This is a thrilling book as it recounts stories of David's life serving the medical needs in a rural hospital. Individual stories of local people are told with such reality that you can almost imagine the problems encountered and yet with God's help time and time again miracles happen unbelievably. This is the sort of book you don't want to put down, it is thrilling but also challenging. Thoroughly recommend this book.


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