All the way my Saviour Leads Me by Betty Magennis with Victor Maxwell

I always like to read the back cover of a book to get an idea of the contents. This is what Dr David McAdam, missionary ad medical Director at Chitokoloki Mission Hospital in Zambia wrote: "This is the story of Betty Magennis who left Northern Ireland to work for the Lord in Central Africa for more than 46 years. She worked without a salary and was sustained by the faithfulness of her God and the care of his people. She saved the lives of innumerable mothers and their new-born children. Despite facing personal health challenges, she continued to serve with unwavering faith and dedication. She heard her Lord's command to go and she went. This book is a powerful record of how our Lord Jesus Christ can use a person obedient to his call to bring blessing to countless numbers of people. Betty's obedience to her Lord and Saviour has left a lasting impact and we pray that her story might challenge and motivate his people today." This book is a wonderful test...