Thoughts for Young Men by J C Ryle
Thoughts for young men
By J C Ryle
1 – Reasons for exhorting young men
1. There
are few young men anywhere who seem to be Christians
– few
led by the Spirit
– few
on narrow road that leads to life
– few
setting affections on things above
– few
taking up the cross and following Christ
are backward about the doctrine of salvation
are irregular about Sunday Services
are difficult to draw to weekly bible studies and prayer times
are inattentive to whatever is being preached
2. Death and judgments are waiting for young
men, even as it waits for others and they nearly all seem to forget it.
is the devil’s day but today is God’s
needs a “Great salvation” – all need to be born again, washed in Christ’s blood
– all need to be sanctified by the Spirit.
Your health may be taken from you in a moment through accident, fever,
inflammation, broken blood vessel and worm would soon feed upon you in the grave.
11 verse 9 “Be happy young man while you are young and let your heart give you
joy in the days of your youth. Follow
the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see but know that for all thee
things God will bring you to judgment.”
said “When the Son of Man comes will he find faith on the earth?”
3. What young men will be, in all probability
depends on what they are now and they seem to forget this.
It is
an awful mockery to suppose you can give the flower of your strength to the
world and the devil and then put off the king of kings with the scraps and
remains of your hearts, the wreck and remnants of your powers.
repentance – there is only one record of this in scripture (The thief on the cross)
– remember it is not easy to turn to God whenever you please.
are like stones rolling downhill – the further they roll the faster and more
governable is their course.
fresh act of sin lessens fear and remorse, hardens our hearts, blunts the edge
of our conscience and increases our evil inclinations.
day you are either getting nearer to God or further off. If you do not seek the Lord when young the
strength of habit is such that you will probably never seek him at all.
4. The devil uses special diligence to destroy
the souls of young men and they don’t seem to know it.
knows very well that you will make up the next generation and therefore he
employs every trick to make you his own.
He will promise you everything as he did to Christ if you will only
serve him.
persuaded Adam and Eve to eat forbidden fruit which brought in death
– caused his latter days to be full of sorrow
– made him deny his Lord.
spoil the bud is the surest way to mar the flower.
5. Young
men need exhorting because of the sorrow it will save them to begin serving God
Sin is
the mother of all sorrow and resort of sin appears to give a man so much misery
and pain as the sins of his youth.
could tell of untimely loss of health brought on by youthful sins – disease,
muscular strength wasted, eyes dim, natural energy abated.
give sad accounts of the consequences of idleness.
grievous mistakes in judgment
youth sows old age must reap.
says” the proverb “is a hard school to attend but fools will learn in no other.”
2 – Dangers of young men
1. Pride
– every age and condition has its own peculiar snares and temptations and it is
well known to them. Ignorance and
inexperience are the pedestal of pride.
Once the pedestal is removed pride will soon come down.
- Jesus washing the disciples feet – John 13 verse 15
– “little child” who does not know how to carry out his duties or manage for
himself – 1 Kings 3 verse 17 compared to Absalom in 2 Samuel 15 verse 4 or
Adonijah in 1 Kings 1 verse 5
you see a man wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for
him.” Proverbs 26 verse 12.
be ashamed of being a learner, Jesus was one at 12. Luke 2 verse 46 – we are always learners and
humbled to find after all how little they knew.
2. Love
of Pleasure – things that murder souls – no surer way to get a seared conscience
and a hard heart towards the things of God than to give way to the desires of
the flesh and mind. It seems like
nothing at first but it
tells in the long run.
young man’s sin is adultery – sin that leaves deeper scars upon the soul than
any other sin that a man can commit.
and David are proofs.
from sexual immorality – even the opportunity of it.
from talking about it.
3. Thoughtlessness
– men will not consider, look ahead, not look around them, will not reflect on
their present course and sure consequences of their present days and wake up to
find they are damned for lack of thinking.
Esau took stew and sold his birthright.
and Levi had to avenge rape of Dinah.
was afraid of thoughtlessness among his children.
your ways” – Spanish proverb “Hurry comes from the devil.”
Henry tells a story of a great statesman in Queen Elizabeth’s time who retired
from public life in his latter days, and gave himself up to serious thought.
His former merry companions came to visit him, and told him that he was
becoming somber: “No,” he replied, “I am serious; for everyone around me is
serious. God is serious in observing us—Christ is serious in interceding for
us—the Spirit is serious in striving with us—the truths of God are serious—our
spiritual enemies are serious in their endeavors to ruin us—poor lost sinners
are serious in hell—and why then should you and I not be serious too?”
4. Contempt
of Christianity
eg young
people who mocked Elisha.
of holy things is the straight road to hell.
fool says in his heart, There is no God.” Psalm 14 verse 1
No man
is so grossly naive as the man who denies the bible to be the word of God and
if it be the Word of God be careful that you don’t despise it.
don’t despise medicines because you cannot explain all that your doctor does
with them.
God ever failed to keep his word? Sodom
and Gomorrah.
may tell you that there are difficulties in the Bible; things hard to
understand. It would not be God’s book if there were not. And what if there
are? You don’t despise medicines because you cannot explain all that your
doctor does with them. But whatever men may say, the things needed for
salvation are as clear as daylight. Be very sure of this—people never reject
the Bible because they cannot understand it. They understand it too well; they
understand that it condemns their own behavior; they understand that it
witnesses against their own sins, and summons them to judgment. They try to
believe it is false and useless, because they don’t like to believe it is true.
An evil lifestyle must always raise an objection to this book. Men question the
truth of Christianity because they hate the practice of it."
always observe that none pay so little outward respect to Christianity as young
men. None take so little part in our services, when they are present at
them—use Bibles so little—sing so little—listen to preaching so little. None
are so generally absent at prayer meetings, Bible Studies, and all other
weekday helps to the soul.
men seem to think they do not need these things—they may be good for women and
old men, but not for them. They appear ashamed of seeming to care about their
souls: one would almost fancy they considered it a disgrace to go to heaven at
all. And this is contempt of Christianity—it is the same spirit which made the
young people of Bethel mock Elisha—and of this spirit I say to all young men,
Beware! If it is worthwhile to be a Christian, it is worthwhile to be in
earnest about it. “
5. Fear
of Man’s opinion.
fear of man will be a snare.” Proverbs 29 verse 25
will my friends think of me – fear of being looked at, laughed at, ridiculed
prevents many a good habit from being taken up.
said to Samuel “I was afraid of the people and so I gave in to them.” 1 Samuel
5 verse 24
“I am
afraid of the Jews” said Zedekiah king of Judah and so disobeyed the advice of
Jeremiah – Jeremiah 38 verse 19.
was afraid of what his guests would think of him as o he did that which made
him “greatly distressed”, he beheaded John the Baptist.
feared offending the Jews – he delivered up Jesus to be crucified.
Jehoshaphat was too easily and yielding in dealings with Ahab and caused many
of his troubles – 1 Kings 22 verse 4.
world always respects those the most who act boldly for God. Never be ashamed of letting men see that you
want to go to heaven. Do not think it is
a disgrace to show that you are a servant of God. Never be afraid of doing what is right.
not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather be afraid of the One who can destroy
both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10 verse 28
only to please God and he will soon make others pleased with you.
a man’s ways are pleasing to the Lord he makes even his enemies live at peace
with him” Proverbs 16 verse 7.
3 – General Counsels to Young Men
1. Try to
get a clear view of the evil of sin
- It
dwells naturally in heart of every man and woman – Ecclesiastes 7 verse 20 and
Romans 3 verse 23
- How it
defiles our thoughts, words and actions – Genesis 6 verse 5 and Matthew 15
verse 19
- How it
renders us all guilty and abominable in the sight of a holy God – Isaiah 64
verse 56, Habbakuk 1 verse 19
- How it
leaves us utterly without hope of salvation if we look to ourselves – Psalm 143
verse 2 and Romans 3 verse 20
- How
its fruit in this world is shame and its wages in the world to come is death - Romans
6 verses 21 and 23
what an awful change sin has worked in all our natures.
what it cost to make atonement for sin and to provide a pardon and forgiveness
for sinners.
of what sin has already done on the earth:
- Threw
Adam and Eve out of Eden
- Brought
flood upon the old world
- Caused
fire to come down on Sodom and Gomorrah
- Drowned
Pharaoh and his army in the Red Sea
- Destroyed
7 wicked nations of Canaan
- Scattered
12 tribes of Israel over the face of the earth
of misery and sorrow that sin has caused and is causing today – pain, disease,
death, strifes, quarrels, divisions, envy, jealousy, malice, deceit, fraud and
cheating, violence, oppression, robbery, selfishness, unkindness, ingratitude –
all fruits of sin.
2. Seek
to become acquainted with our Lord Jesus Christ
- Not
just knowing Christ’s name but knowing his mercy, grace and power
- knowing
not by hearing of the ear but knowing by experience of the heart
It is
in Christ alone that these things are to be found. As we live upon him that we are strong
Christians. It is only when self is
nothing and Christ is all our confidence, it is only then we shall do great
3. Never
forget that nothing is so important as your soul
- Your
soul is the one thing worth living for.
measures all men by one standard, one measure, one test, one criterion and that
is the state of our souls.
Is my
soul lost or saved? The only question of
4. Remember
it is possible to be a young man and yet to serve God.
world takes it for granted that young people must be irreligious and that it is
not possible for them to follow Christ.
We are responsible and accountable to God from the very moment that we
know right and wrong.
path to heaven is always narrow, whether we be young or old. There are difficulties but God will give you
the grace to overcome them. God will
make sure that the path he requires us to walk is never an impossible
road. He never gave commands to man
which he would not give man the power to perform.
Moses – refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.
– serving in Babylon blameless and consistent.
Joseph, Joshua, Samuel, David, Solomon, Abijah, Obadiah, Josiah, Timothy –
obstacles to contend with, lusts to mortify, trials to endure, hard places to
travel but all found it possible to serve God.
5. Determine
as long as you live to make the bible your guide and advisor.
can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” Psalm 119
verse 9.
young man may just as soon read the scriptures without eyes as understand the
spirit of it without grace”
- Read
it with prayer that Holy Spirit’s grace will help you understand it.
- Read
it reverently as the Word of God not of man believing implicitly that what it
approves is right and what it condemns is wrong. Jehoiakim read it and at once tore page to
pieces and burned it in fire Jeremiah 36 verse 23. Josiah read it and at once tore his clothes
and cried mightily to the Lord – 2 Chronicles 34 verse 19
- Read
it regularly – store up your mind with scripture by diligent reading and you
will soon discover its value and power
6. Never make
an intimate friend of anyone who is not a friend of God.
be satisfied with the friendship of anyone who will not be useful to your soul.
It is
far more easy to catch a chill than to impart a warmth and to make each other’s
religion dwindle away than grow and prosper.
your friends who will benefit your soul, friends whom you can really respect,
friends whom you would like to have near you on your deathbed, friends who love
the bible and are not afraid to speak to you about it, friends that you would
not be ashamed of having at the coming of Christ and the day of judgment. Bad company in this life is the sure way to
procure worse company in the life to come.
friends are among our greatest blessings; they may keep us away from much evil,
remind us of our course, speak an appropriate word at the right time, draw us
upward, and draw us on. But a bad friend is a burden, a weight continually
dragging, us down, and chaining us to earth. Keep company with an unsaved man,
and it is more than probable you will in the end become like him. that is the
general consequence of all such friendships. The good go down to the bad, and
the bad do not come up to the good. The world’s proverb is only too correct:
“Clothes and company tell true tales about character.” “Show me who a man lives
with and I will show you what he is.”
4 Special rules for Young Men
1. Resolve
at once by God’s help to break off every known sin, however small
darkens the eyes of the mind so much and deadens the conscience so surely as an
allowed sin. It may be a little one but
it is not any less dangerous.
heard from Elijah of the horrible acts that he would one day do, he said with
astonishment “How could our servant, a mere dog accomplish such a feat?” 2 Kings
8 verse 13. But he allowed sin to take
root in his heart and in the end he did them all.
Corinthians 5 verse 6 “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.”
are no little sins. All buildings are
made up of little parts. The first stone
is as important as any other. All habits
are formed by a succession of little acts and the first little act is of mighty
devil only wants to get the wedge of a little allowed sin into your heart and
you will soon be all his own.
is nothing small between us and God, for God is an infinite God.”
are 2 ways of going to hell; one is to walk into it with your eyes open – few
people do that; the other is to go down by the steps of little sins and that
way is only too common.
Taylor clearly described the progress of sin in a man – first it startles him,
then it becomes pleasing, then easy, then delightful then frequent, then
habitual, then a way of life. Then the
man feels no guilt, then obstinate, then resolves never to repent and then he
is damned.
2. Resolve by God’s help to shun everything which
may prove an occasion of sin.
that would be safe from the acts of evil must widely avoid the occasion.”
It is
not enough that we determine not to commit sin, we must carefully keep at a
distance from all approaches to it.
Avoid idleness
– it is the opportunity it affords to evil and empty thoughts; it is the wide
door it opens for Satan to throw in the seeds of bad things; it is this which
is mainly to be feared.
It is
dangerous to play tricks with sharp tools; it is far more dangerous to take
liberties with your immortal soul.
Joseph – not only refused solicitation to sin from his master’s wife but he
showed his prudence in refusing to even be “with her” Genesis 39 verse 10.
– took vows of a Nazarite in Israel, not only took no wine but he even
abstained from grapes in any shape whatever.
– had to go out among wicked Shechemites to see their ways and she lost her
Lot –
just pitched his tent near sinful Sodom and he lost everything but his life.
3. Resolve never to forget the eye of God – an
all seeing God never sleeps, understands your thoughts with whom the night
shines as day.
– no-one was in the house to see them, no human eye to witness against him but
he was one who lived as seeing him that is invisible. How could I do such a wicked thing and sin against
God?” Genesis 39 verse 9.
as in the sight of God – Abraham walked before God and Enoch did the same.
4. Be diligent in the practice of your
- Be
regular in keeping the Lord’s day
values of the practices of Christianity like other things depends in a great
measure on the manner and spirit in which we use them. Fellowship and worship are a foretaste and a
fragment of heaven. The man who finds
them a burden and not a privilege may be sure that his heart stands in needs of
a mighty change,
5. Resolve that wherever you are; you will pray.
is the life breath of a man’s soul. The feeling that we must cry to God for
mercy and peace is a mark of salvation and the habit of spreading before him
our souls needs is an evidence that we have the spirit of adoption.
is the way to procure the outpouring of the Spirit upon our hearts. Jesus has promised the Holy Spirit, the
Comforter. He is ready to come down with
all his precious gifts, renewing, sanctifying, purifying, strengthening,
cheering, encouraging, enlightening, teaching, directing, guiding into all
truth. But then he wants to be asked.
- Jesus
prayed on a mountain
- Isaac
prayed in the fields
- Hezekiah
turned his face to the wall as he lay on his bed
- Daniel
prayed by the riverside
- Peter
prayed on the rooftop.
is the mouthpiece that you must wear continually or else you will never work
uninjured by the unhealthy atmosphere of this sinful world.
- David
“Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress and he hears my voice. Psalm 55 verse 17
- Daniel
prayed 3 times a day
- Solomon
begins his reign with prayer for help and assistance
- Nehemiah
found time to pray when standing before Artaxerxes the king.
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