Road Map to Jesus by Alistair Chalmers

Alistair Chambers whose blog I regularly post on here has written this book with the aim of opening our eyes to the reality of the Old Testament matching up with the New Testament.

The scene is set by looking first at the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus. Remember that was when Jesus came alongside and opened up the scriptures to them. It was as if he was putting all the jigsaw pieces together for them to understand what had just happened. Like Alistair I would love to have been present that day.

He starts by taking us back to Genesis 1 and shows how God spoke and the world came into being then he jumps forward and shows how Jesus' words to his disciples brought immediate changes - you only have to think of how the winds and waves died down on the boat. What power and authority he demonstrated. This is the same God who calls us to himself today and as we come to know him we can grow in his knowledge and love.

In chapter 3 of Road Map to Jesus Alistair Chalmers reminds us how it was in the Garden of Eden when God first created everything. Adam and Eve enjoyed the presence of God walking and talking with them every day.

As I said in an earlier posting today - How can we want to spend eternity with God but we cannot spend even 1 hour with him now? Isn't that amazing - God brought this to my attention this morning and I picked up Alistair's book and read something similar.

As we know the story was changed because Adam and Eve rebelled in the Garden of Eden and the result had far reaching consequences even for us today.

"The Bible begins with the story of how peace between God and humanity was broken. The Bible ends with the promise of this relationship being completely restored. Jesus stands in the middle as the one who makes that possible. Only through Jesus can sinful rebellious people be at peace with God."

Yes it is good to know God's presence in our lives as I have already today but imagine what it will be like one day ... It brings to mind that wonderful hymn "I can only imagine."

The 4 most chilling words at the very beginning of our bibles "did God really say?"

Spoken by Satan to Eve in this beautiful tranquil setting. Calling into question God's instructions to the first man and woman. They had a choice - listen and obey God or act in rebellion. They chose to eat the forbidden fruit and the result was something which lives on in every heart to this day - sin. It's fatal! There is no escape.

But Jesus was the only one without sin. And he came to earth with reconciliation on his mind and in his heart.

"The Bible begins with a garden where Adam and Eve live in harmony with God, but the Bible ends in a greater garden where the Lord will dwell with his people forever - Revelation 22 verses 1 to 5. Though sin prevents us from entering into that first garden, Jesus came to break the power of sin and has enabled people to be made right with God again so we can look forward to being with him in the greater garden."

What a prospect! It reminds me of that wonderful hymn I come to the garden alone. The chorus says "and he walks with me and talks with me. And he tells me I am his own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known."

Sometimes you just have to break a verse down to understand it. Genesis 3 verse 15 is the most important verse in the Old Testament. It stands alongside John 3 verse 16. Yes it is God's judgment on a sinful world but it promises salvation as well. Hidden within the words is the promise of substitution. Adam and Eve had sinned against God but God promises a way out of their punishment. They will still have to pay for their sin but there is a light of hope.

Throughout the ages there has been a battle fought, it is still going on today and will continue until the end of time. It is in simple terms good and evil. Satan desires to have all men for himself but God wants to show us a better way.

In the Garden of Eden God promised Eve that one of her descendants would have the final say. He would bring salvation to the whole world. Jesus has come to provide the substitution, the atonement for our sins. From that day in the Garden there was a separation, there had to be but Jesus has bridged the gap. He has shown through his death on Calvary's cross and his resurrection from the grave that sin has been defeated once and for all.

"Separation from God is no longer a reality for all those who put their trust in Jesus. He has made it possible for a sinful humanity to be in a relationship with a holy God. While our relationship with God was once estranged and broken, through Jesus we are now given the opportunity to be reconciled with God again. And one day God will live with his people forever in heaven. True and lasting hope is only found in Jesus because he is the only one who can crush the serpent and reconcile us to God."



In Genesis 3 verse 21 we see God showing grace by acting to give Adam and Eve what they don't deserve. He clothed them.

God could easily have turned his back on the both and given up on them altogether. But he didn't. Similarly when Jesus died on the cross of Calvary it appeared that God had turned his back on his own Son. But he hadn't.

In killing the animals to make skins to cover Adam and Eve God demonstrated his love towards them. He showed then how serious their sin was and it needed to be punished. Jesus showed how serious our sin was by dying on Calvary on our behalf. He became our substitute. He has provided a way back to God.

By accepting Christ and his act of grace we are now clothed in Christ's righteousness. It is just as if we had never sinned. Surely that gives us something to praise God for today. It is wonderful news and it should change our lives forever.

Imagine preaching to the same people for over 50 years and never seeing anyone either listening to or hearing what you say and believing it except your family. That is what happened to Noah. God had told him to prepare for a flood that would destroy the entire world with all its people. By this time Noah was married and had 3 sons and they were all married. So he wasn't young when he started this mission. He was obeying God.

There was so much going on in the world that seemed everything was beyond repair and any means of salvation possible. Many people would cry that it wasn't fair that God decided to send a flood but he had been patient for so long. The people had time to repent but instead they turned their backs on God and did their own thing. God decided enough was enough, it was time for action, punishment. The flood came and destroyed the world at that time. Only Noah and his family were saved.

After the flood God brought Noah and his family out of the ark. He placed a rainbow in the sky, a promise that he would never do it again.

A familiar story. One we remember from childhood but things lets not miss the real meaning of the story. Sin has to be punished. Salvation is only possible but not through an ark. God sent his son to be the punishment of our sin. We are saved through a wooden cross and the death of Christ crucified on it. Jesus died so that we might live.

What a reminder of the judgment that awaits us all. But what a reminder too of the hope we can be assured of today. We need to be safe in Jesus today. Are you?

Chapter 9 Blessing to the world. Imagine I have been able to keep this up reading a chapter a day!

Today we come to the story of the founder of the Jewish nation, Abraham. Alistair looks at how God promised blessing on him in Genesis 12. This was actually prophecy because Jesus was the proof of Abraham's blessing to the whole world, you and I today! Romans 4 says that if we have trusted Christ for ourselves, have a personal relationship with him then we are a descendant of Abraham. But we are actually in a better place in history than Abraham because we know how the whole story of Jesus unfolds.

I love Hebrews 11 verse 13 in relation to Abraham "these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them."

God is continuing to fulfil his promise to Abraham that through him God will bless the whole world.

What is that blessing today? Through Jesus we can be made right with God. The broken relationship that has been our reality since the Garden of Eden is not the end of the story. The relationship can be restored. We have received the biggest blessing possible.

It's a gift for you to take and there are no conditions attached, will you take it today?

The story of Abraham being asked to sacrifice his son Isaac is one of those stories that is difficult to understand until you put it against the story of the cross.

Abraham and Sarah waited such a long time for this child and now God was asking him to make the ultimate sacrifice. We can almost imagine every step he made toward that altar. How did Abraham feel? Did he really understand what was being asked of him?

Genesis chapter 22 is not just a story of God's grace but of the Lord's provision of a lamb. It all points forward to the Lamb of God, Jesus. Remember those words from John's own lips "behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world." Jesus is God's own Son and he is deeply loved by the Father. Like Isaac, Jesus carried the wood up towards the place of sacrifice. Like Isaac, Jesus was ready to be offered up. But unlike Abraham God gave up Jesus to die for us.

What a wonderful story of provision - for us! There are so many wonderful shadows, signposts throughout the Old Testament to Jesus.

Jesus is the promised sacrifice who would be the ultimate blessing to the world because through him people can be made right with God.


The 7 I ams of Christ point back to Exodus 3 when Moses asked God for his name so that the people would know he had been sent by him.

At 80 years of age Moses was being sent to Egypt to bring the Children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. They had been there for 400 years and now was the time to act. But this was not just to reassure the people, it was to give Moses confidence that God will enable him to complete the task at hand. He needed reassurance because the task seemed impossible.

John 8 verse 58 says " before Abraham was born I am." Jesus has always been, he always is and he promises to always be. There is no-one more dependable than Jesus. Even in the most darkest of times he is with us.

Does this not reassure us even when things seem bleak, when there is no hope, when the circumstances of life make us question all that is happening? I can attest to this - can you?

In his book Road Map to Jesus Alistair Chalmers makes a very valid point that it is so easily overlooked...

We have moved on to the point where God sent plagues on Pharaoh and the Egyptians. This is in response to Moses asking for the Israelites to be allowed to leave Egypt and Pharaoh repeatedly refuses. The final plague is one where each family in Israel has to take a lamb and spread its blood on the doorposts of their houses in order to "save" the firstborn son living within.

This is the point that Alistair makes - it's not the blood of the lamb that really saves the people that night, it is the obedience to God. Their confidence is not in the lamb but in the Lord and his faithfulness.

The Egyptians thought they would be OK because of their status, position and wealth. And you know that is still the same today in terms of the gospel message. So many are relying on so many things to "get them into heaven". They might be depending on their church attendance, the good things they do in the local community, how they give to those in need, that their parents did the same before them. None of that really matters.

God sent us his firstborn son. We killed him but ultimately he obeyed his Father. He showed total obedience and trusted in His Father to work all things out for our good. Why did he die? Why was his blood shed? For our sins. For all the wrong we know we have done and that which is unknown. We were guilty of sin even when we were first born. God wants to wipe the slate clean. To give us a fresh start just as he did the Israelites in bringing them out of Egypt and ultimately to the Promised Land of Canaan. God promises us new life through our acceptance of his Son Jesus and what he did on Calvary. But he promises us eternal life through Jesus' resurrection as well.

Jesus is God's wonderful provision and the greatest gift to humanity. Have you taken his gift today?

Such a dramatic picture and I can remember my Children's Bible having a picture just like this in it. It is the story most people remember and think is unbelievable. The parting of the Red Sea.

It is all about the sovereignty of God's will. This was the first point in my pastor's sermon yesterday. The Israelites had finally been allowed to leave their slavery behind in Egypt and move out into the wilderness. Talk about an impossible task now. How were they to move forward with the Sea in front of them? God demonstrated his power in parting the Sea to allow them to walk through and on to the other side.

What a mighty display of the ability of God to do far more than we in our minds can ever imagine. God is teaching his people a very valuable lesson. He has power over nature.

We had a testimony in our church last night and the speaker quoted Luke 1 verse 37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible."

Do you believe this? Do I believe this? This is the God I trust in today and have believed him through some very difficult times in my life. He is the God of the impossible for me and because he has demonstrated his power in my life then I can say with confidence he can show you the evidence of this verse too, if only you will let him.

During the wilderness wanderings, God gave his people his laws by which they were to live. These touch on every area of life: marriage, ceremonial worship, the sacrificial system, justice and the conduct of the whole nation. Why were they given these laws?

1. To show them their sinfulness.
2. To show how an unholy people need to live in order for a holy God to dwell with them.
3. To set them apart from the other nations and live distinct lives.

We need to be transformed from the inside out. We need to be made perfect and be reconciled to God if we are to enjoy a relationship with him.

Jesus, being God in the flesh was able to fulfil the law and live in absolute obedience to it. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He didn't inherit sin. Being perfect, he deserved no punishment. He willingly took our sin on himself when he died on Calvary. Jesus makes it possible for us to be made right with God.

I have been given a new heart. I have been transformed. I want to live and serve Jesus. Do you?
I have come to chapter 15 in Alistair Chalmers book Road Map to Jesus and I think this is where the purpose of this book is really evident. Alistair wanted to show how relevant the Old Testament is understanding the New Testament.

He choose a little known verse in Deuteronomy (well to me anyway!) It is found in chapter 18 verse 18 and it talks about a future prophet. A prophet is someone who speaks on God's behalf with a message from God. This prophet will be someone from amongst themselves, they will know him and therefore he has the right credentials. What this prophet will say will actually come true.

Yes there were prophets throughout the Old Testament but the ultimate prophet was Jesus himself. He was an Israelite, he taught the people about God , he did miracles and spoke with an authority never seen before. He spoke what God wanted him to say and what he said came true. He told his disciples that he would be crucified and on the third day be raised again.

As Alistair says at the beginning of this chapter, there are many voices to listen to today but God's voice is the one that gives us life and purpose. He calls us to join him today but are we listening and following him?

Jeremiah 33 verses 15 and 16 "In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David's line; he will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Saviour."

In the Old Testament there were many Kings. It all came about because of the desire to have their own just like the other nations around them. Each were flawed because of their sin. Here in one Old Testament prophecy we have the promise of a king yet to come. He would do good, save God's people, govern with might and justice, rule in wisdom and power and his kingdom would never perish. He would be perfect in every way - God himself.

How can we be part of Gods kingdom? Through Jesus' death on Calvary.

Revelation 17 verse 14 talks about his triumph over all enemies and surrounded by his chosen and faithful followers. 2 chapters later he is described as dressed in a robe dipped in blood and his name is the Word of God. That takes us back to John chapter 1 "in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God." Revelation 19 verse 16 says that Jesus' name is written on his robe "King of Kings and Lord of Lords."

He alone is the true and ultimate king of God. He died and rose again so that we can have life with a capital L.

Alistair Chambers in his book Road Map to Jesus sets out 4 lovely pictures of Servant Songs from the book of Isaiah. Remember these were written thousands of years before Jesus came into the world. I find it amazing that God revealed himself to individuals about things yet to come.

First from chapter 42 verses 1 to 9 we see Jesus as the one who brings true justice. Jesus regularly surrounded himself with those who were broken - physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally. He was hated by the religious people for it - has much changed today?

In chapter 49 verses 1 to 7 we see that Jesus will call people to God. But he would be despised by the nations initially - the religious leaders worked on until he was ultimately crucified. Jesus rose again and his message spread quickly to more people than anyone could imagine and it is still spreading today.

In chapter 50 verses 4 to 9 we see that Jesus obeyed his Father in every way. He came with one purpose, to bring salvation and even now is interceding to his Father on our behalf. Get your head around that - Jesus is praying for you right now!

In chapter 52 to chapter 53 we see Jesus crowned victorious through his suffering. He reigns today at the right hand of God in all power and splendour.

Jesus is both King and Servant, the mighty and lowly. He is the true and perfect Servant of the Lord.

In the Old Testament priests were appointed from within the Israelite tribe of Levi. Among their various duties was the most important one of entering the holy of holies once a year. The reason? To burn incense and sprinkle blood as a sign for the need for forgiveness. But it had to be repeated every year. The book of Hebrews in the New Testament tells us that the blood of animals could not take away sins. A greater sacrifice was needed. That sacrifice was Jesus.

He is also the true High Priest. His role was given to him by God his Father. He represents his people before the Father in heaven. How? He is praying and interceding for us. Jesus has constant access to the throne room of God and therefore is the perfect forever priest.

The kinsman redeemer. A relative who would assume the responsibility of a deceased family member in order to continue the deceased family line and their legacy.

The most well know example of this is in the book of Ruth. She was a Moabitess and married an Israelite. Her husband died as did her father-in-law and brother-in-law. Ruth moved back to Bethlehem with her mother-in-law Naomi. They were in poverty when they returned home.

Boaz was a landowner who saw Ruth gleaning in his fields. He was a relative of Ruth's husband. He took on the role of kinsman redeemer. Property was involved and Boaz took responsibility of it which included Ruth. But there was a nearer relative and he had to be consulted first. He was not willing to be the kinsman redeemer.

Today we need to be redeemed from sin. Jesus humbled himself and became one of us so that he could go to the cross, be raised to life and restore us to God the Father. Like Boaz Jesus was willing to do just that.

We have been born in sin through Adam. Through one man we can be made righteous - that man is Jesus. He is the perfect Redeemer and he waits to save people even today.

Up to this point in Alistair Chalmers book Road Map to Jesus, we have been following a pathway through the Old Testament. Now we move to the Signposts.

The first signpost is found in Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6, a prophecy of Jesus' birth. Amazing that last night at church we were looking at these prophecies and this one was written 700 years before Jesus came as a baby.

Alistair points to 4 descriptions of who Jesus is and how powerful he would be:

▪︎ A wonderful counsellor
▪︎ Mighty God
▪︎ Everlasting Father
▪︎ Prince of Peace

This reminds me of a chorus we often sing in church Jesus Name about all names.

Each of these images are more than mere names or titles.

Wonderful counsellor - he draws alongside us at the times we need him most, in times of great pain and guides us on the right path. He knew pain and suffering himself and provides comfort when we need it most.

Mighty God - imagine in Jesus we see the image of God the Father. Just think of all the times his power was displayed in the many healings and raising to life of people. This is our God!

Everlasting Father - we are taken back to John chapter 1 when we read "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." Picture Jesus as our father. See the love he had for us, surely it is beyond anything we could ever imagine.

Prince of Peace - peace with God because of Jesus' sacrifice at Calvary. He offers us an eternal peace one day when we will dwell with God in heaven.

This is the God with whom we can have a personal relationship today.

What amazing signposts and so long before Jesus came to earth. This is no fairy story.

What is the meaning of your name? My name means God is gracious!

Jesus is given the name Immanuel in Isaiah 7 verse 14 meaning God with us. This reminds us of his promises to save, bless and protect his people. It also conveys intimacy and proximity. This was not possible under the law which highlighted the sinfulness of man and the perfect holiness of God.

When Joseph was told by the angel to call Mary's baby Jesus it was a fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy.

When Jesus came as a baby into our world he became flesh and dwelt among his people. Jesus knew he would suffer and be rejected but he demonstrated his love for us through his death. He suffered to provide us with salvation.

Jesus rose from the dead and today is with his father in heaven. Before he left the earth Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to be with us. One day Jesus will return and we will know his presence with us once again. Revelation 21 verses 1 to 4.

Psalm 8 is another signpost but this one points both backwards and forwards.

When we look around and see God's wonderful creation we are amazed. Just this morning I looked out and saw 2 new lambs born and yesterday was privileged to see a new calf born on our farm. It never ceases to amaze me how new life is born year after year. At this time of the year it is wonderful seeing the fields and hedges changing colour, the hawthorn is particularly lovely in its blooms. Watching the oil seed rape changing colour and new grass cut down for silage is another sign of how creation changes with the seasons.

We are small in comparison but remember God chose man to have authority over the world at the start.

When Adam and Eve sinned the human race turned its back on God.

Psalm 8 encourages us to look forward too. Jesus became one of us and in doing so humbled himself. After Jesus' resurrection he was crowned with glory and honour. By God's wonderful grace and love the Lord sent his Son to restore people's relationship with God and to redeem us from the sin that entangled our hearts. Jesus has restored us to the place of glory and honour that we were given at the beginning of the world.

@alistairchalmbers in his book Road Map to Jesus makes this point "some will believe Jesus; others will reject him." Sad reality but truth. I have been seeing this truth more and more from God's word lately.

Alistair also says that many today see Jesus' parables as mere moralistic stories to help us live well and be nice people. But that is missing the point. Even today there is only a partial understanding of what Jesus was talking about and followed him.

I was struck as I read this chapter how Jesus himself explained why he spoke in parables - now there is something I have learnt. It is yet another signpost and I missed it. How many others miss these signposts I wonder?

The gospel has been revealed to us and we have an enormous privilege to hear it week after week. But we need to pray that others will not only have the opportunity to hear but respond as well. We should not keep this message to ourself. We are accountable to God for this reason. We are not responsible for the results, that is entirely up to God. What a sobering reminder today.

Chapter 24 of Alistair Chalmers book Road Map to Jesus is probably one of the best. It is titled Some listen Others don't. He quotes Isaiah 6 verse 9 "Go and tell this people, Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see ye indeed, but perceive not." It is significant that this is the same chapter in which Isaiah had the great vision of God in the temple and it was in the year that King Uzziah died. Imagine having that as a testimony! Was Isaiah very upset at his king dying? Did he know him personally? What a frame of mind to be in when he met the King of Kings - as I have noted in my bible the throne on earth was empty but the throne of heaven was filled. No much wonder Isaiah cried "Woe is me! for I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts." He recognised his own sinfulness, the sinfulness of the people around him and the holiness of God himself.

On this particular day God took Isaiah's sin away (verse 7) and God asked that famous question "Whom shall I send and who will go for for us?" Isaiah replied "here am I, send me." He was given a specific job, to take a specific message to a group of people but they would not listen to him. What was his message? To tell the people to return to God. God even warned him that the people would not listen to his words.

God was giving his own people another chance to repent and return to him. By refusing to listen and rejecting God's message through Isaiah the people had sealed their future under the wrath of God. Isaiah did proclaim the message God gave him but he could not determine who would respond and repent.

How things are still the same today!

In Jesus' day the people would not listen to Jesus. John 1 verses 11 and 12 "He came unto his own and his own received him not. But as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name."

Like Isaiah Jesus knew that people would reject him but still he came into the world. Throughout the Old Testament we are told that the Messiah (Jesus) would come but his own people rejected him. They crucified him as a result. But this was part of God's plan. It was the only way to bring salvation. Jesus paid the price of the sins of the world.

Alistair draws our attention to the testimony of the Roman Centurion at the cross when he said "Surely this man was the Son of God." (Mark 15 verse 39) Others would never see Jesus for who he really was and trust in him - and it is still the same today.

We are called today to follow Jesus but in following we must obey the call to share the gospel with everyone. We cannot make anyone accept the message of the gospel, it is only God's Holy Spirit working people's lives that helps them to accept the truth. In fact this posting on social media is actually sharing the gospel message with you!

"God never wastes his or anyone else's time. God knows what he is doing with the world he created, far more than we do. Our job is to keep obeying and trusting in him at all times."

If you were to take part in a bible quiz one of the favourite questions asked is "how many pieces of silver did Judas betray Jesus for?" And the answer is 30. But did you know that this is actually the pay off for a slave who has been injured to the point that they can't work anymore - Exodus 21 verse 32? And this reference is also made in Zechariah.

The book of Zechariah is found in the Old Testament and is one of the minor prophets. His book can be split in 2 - the first 8 chapters focus on what happened during his lifetime and chapters 9 to 14 focus on what is to come in the future. These future events relate to Jesus' coming as God's chosen one, the Messiah.

Chapter 11 of Zechariah is all about rejection and betrayal. It is a picture of Jesus' betrayal by Judas and being handed over to the authorities.

Zechariah is a shepherd in Israel for a time but then his relationship is broken and he resigns. When he asks for his wages they offer him a meager reward - 30 pieces of silver. They are saying he is worthless.

Another signpost to Jesus who came 500 years after Zechariah. How precise is this prophecy. God's plan was fulfilled. Jesus was betrayed and handed over to be crucified. By his death we are saved today. When Judas came into the Garden of Gethsemane he betrayed him with a kiss. Jesus knew what was about to happen and he paid the price for our sins. Jesus is the true Shepherd who cares for his sheep, was betrayed and killed so we might live today.

In Numbers 21 we read that shortly after the Israelites were released from slavery in Egypt, they started to grumble against God. So God sent venomous snakes into the camp and many people died as a result of their disobedience and rebellion. But God was gracious. He told Moses to make a bronze serpent and attach it to a pole, When people looked at the snake they would live,

In each of us is something that will bring death - "for the wages of sin is death". It is both physical and spiritual. But Jesus also provided a way to be saved - "but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ." Jesus himself was lifted up through his crucifixion so that all who look to him can be saved.

On the cross of Calvary Jesus uttered the words "it is finished". It is a promise for everyone who trusts in Jesus - Jesus bore the sin and shame of the world and traded it for his righteousness, his right standing with God.

These final words of Jesus are actually the beginning of new life as a Christian. The only solution to the problem of sin is Jesus.

As Alistair Chalmers says "if we had the cure to a disease that afflicts everyone in the world, we would run out and tell everyone about it. That is why Christians talk so much about Jesus. Everyone in the world needs to know about him."

I love prophecy in the bible but would be the first to admit that I don't always understand it. Alistair unpacks a lovely verse in the book of Daniel about a future day. That is what prophecy is, something that will yet happen. So many of the Old Testament prophets were given messages about the future they would never see.

In Daniel's day, Daniel prayed to God and acknowledged the sin of the people and their lack of commitment to the covenant that they made with him - chapter 9 verses 1 to 19. Daniel acknowledges God's greatness and his consistent faithfulness to the covenant. He ends his prayer with a request for the Lord to deal kindly with his rebellious people and to forgive their sins.

Even as he prays God gives Daniel a message of hope and a glorious future. In verse 24 of Daniel we are told that one day the people will repent, say sorry and turn from their sin and then be forgiven.

This message from the angel Gabriel was fulfilled in Jesus, well partly. On the cross Jesus took the punishment our sin deserved. But the people did not recognise Jesus. One day the final part of Daniel's prophecy will be fulfilled - when Jesus comes again. His kingdom will come to completion. He has promised we will Iive in his presence for evermore. But it will be only possible if we acknowledge and repent of our sin, accept his offer of forgiveness and invite him into our lives.

Will you listen to Jesus' call today and ask him to forgive you of your sins?

When Jesus was dying on the cross of Calvary he asked his Father to forgive those who had decided he needed to die. He forgave his accusers. It was all part of God's plan. This is the true heart of Jesus - one of forgiveness and mercy.

Forgiveness is something Jesus demonstrates to everyone who comes to him in true faith and repentance.

Even on the cross Jesus forgave the thief hanging beside him. One minute he had been mocking Jesus but slowly he came to realise who Jesus was.

We all find it hard to forgive. We believe we are right and everyone else is wrong. God's forgiveness is not judgmental, fleeting, temporary or given in reluctance. It is given freely to those who repent and believe in Jesus' death on their behalf. True forgiveness is the call from a holy God to a rebellious and unholy people to come and follow him.

Many know the story of Jonah and the whale. But few know why he came to be there. Or rather they choose not to think of the reason why. Jonah was told to go and preach to an enemy city, Nineveh but he didn't want them to receive God's forgiveness. He ran away from God. He jumped on a boat going in the opposite direction. God sent a storm which resulted in Jonah being thrown overboard and being swallowed by a big fish.

In Jesus' day the Pharisees asked for a sign to prove who he was. Jesus referred back to Jonah. He had been 3 days in the belly of the fish and Jesus would be 3 days in the grave before he would rise again.

Jesus' resurrection is our sign today. It points to his true identity as the Saviour of the world. He calls everyone to repent and believe "for the kingdom of God has come near." Matthew 4 verse 17

Only through Jesus' death and resurrection we can know true salvation and peace with God.

Job is one of the oldest books in the bible. He knew suffering, his family was killed, his livelihood was taken from him and his friends claimed he had done something wrong to bring it upon himself. Yet Job found future with God. He had confidence in believing he would one day see God. That brought him great comfort. But Job knew nothing of Jesus, his life, death and resurrection. It it only through Jesus' death and resurrection that we can know the forgiveness of sins.

Jesus has promised us eternal life which produces in us a hope and an eager yearning for that day to come quickly. Throughout the bible the resurrection is a theme that runs throughout. Why? Because it is glorious and brings hope.

Can you imagine what heaven will be like? We are given many images and and I particularly love Revelation 21 verse 4 - no tears, no death, no sorrow or crying , no pain. Most of all everything will be made new and we will be given a new name but far about all these is the fact that we will be with God forever. We will be living the perfect life we were created to live.

Jesus rose from the dead. Surely that gives us reason to look forward to a future resurrection.

God's word will always be proclaimed through ordinary people enabled by God's Spirit.

What is the message we have to proclaim? Jesus lived the perfect life of obedience that we never could. He died the death that we all deserve, bearing the full weight of God's wrath. He rose triumphant from the grave, defeating sin and death.

This good news is a real story that has changed lives, countries and cultures.

What a statistic - 42.5% of the worlds population doesn't know much about Jesus.

It all started with 12 disciples, then 120 in Acts 1 verse 15. Today there are an estimated 2 billion Christians worldwide.

The story is still spreading and we have a role to play.

Not only are we called to repent of our sins but also to share the gospel for everyone to hear.

I am spreading the message right now by sharing this book and my love for Jesus.

On this Pentecost Sunday it was good to read chapter 33 of Alistair Chalmers book about the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus promised the Holy Spirit to his disciples before he left earth - John 14 verses 15 to 27. He would teach the disciples and remind them of Jesus' words.

The Holy Spirit came in power and it is recorded in Acts 2. He worked in the disciples and the early church to spread the gospel with power and conviction. And he is in every Christian today. The Holy Spirit equips and gifts the Lord's people to do his work.

Many of the books I have read and write about on social media are of people who have been born again and are sharing God's message with others.

God's power lives in me. That is an amazing fact and he equips me each day as I read God's word and share him not just here but through my daily life.

Alistair gives 2 images of a victorious King. One on winning a battle would be given a rapturous victory parade through the city. He would then ascend to his throne and receive gifts from everyone.

We can imagine such pomp in light of what we recently witnessed with King Charles' procession to accept the throne here in the United Kingdom.

The contrast is seen when the Israelites left Egypt and travelled through the wilderness. God gave his people his law to show how they should live.

One wins and receives, the other wins and gives.

Paul in the New Testament says that Jesus was raised from the dead and has returned to heaven, ascending to the right hand of God the Father. As a victorious King, Jesus gives gifts to his people. Jesus also gives the church different people all equipped to build up the church with his word the Bible.

When Jesus ascended into heaven he showed that he was victorious over sin and death. He has given us gifts to enable us to be the church and people that we are called to be.

Jesus is now in heaven with his Father and he intercedes on our behalf.

One day Jesus will return again. Until then we have a job to do - to take the good news of Jesus to the world.

I have come to the end of reading this book a chapter a day. The challenge given through the last pages are simple - if we trust in Jesus as our personal Lord and Saviour yes we will have eternal life in the future but we can know blessings in the here and now too.

We can share the truth about Jesus with the world and as people put their trust in him and are forgiven the story continues and grows.

Jesus has made it possible for sinners to be forgiven and transformed, to be made right with God. Jesus has called and enabled his people to live distinctive lives that demonstrate the gospel in everyday life. Jesus has empowered and equipped his church to be ambassadors of the good news.

Will you be a part of the good news? Jesus invites you to become his follower and play your part in his story. You can know sins forgiven if you will trust him ..Will you?


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