Road Map to Jesus by Alistair Chalmers
Alistair Chambers whose blog I regularly post on here has written this book with the aim of opening our eyes to the reality of the Old Testament matching up with the New Testament. The scene is set by looking first at the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus. Remember that was when Jesus came alongside and opened up the scriptures to them. It was as if he was putting all the jigsaw pieces together for them to understand what had just happened. Like Alistair I would love to have been present that day. He starts by taking us back to Genesis 1 and shows how God spoke and the world came into being then he jumps forward and shows how Jesus' words to his disciples brought immediate changes - you only have to think of how the winds and waves died down on the boat. What power and authority he demonstrated. This is the same God who calls us to himself today and as we come to know him we can grow in his knowledge and love. In chapter 3 of Road Map to Jesus Alistair Chalmers reminds us how it wa...