Ex-Muslim by Naeem Fazal

Nazeem grew up as a Muslim in Kuwait although his family were originally from Pakistan. His brother moved to Charleston, South Carolina in America to attend college and through friends witnessing to him he accepted Christ as Saviour. Naeem and his family meanwhile lived through the Kuwait war and when things settled down after the invasion it was decided that Naeem should also make the move to be with his brother. At first he was very sceptical of his brother's faith and told him that unless Jesus revealed himself personally to him he would not believe. 3 nights later he did. So began an amazing adventure. It was a supernatural experience which many dismissed but Naeem held to his convictions and gradually people began to listen to his story.

Today he and his wife pastor a church planted by themselves that reaches to a culturally diverse people. He shares the ups and downs in his walk with God and you are left in no doubt that he is very much dependent on God and his strength alone.

I thoroughly recommend this book as it will challenge some misconceptions and helps to understand how we can reach people around us with the good news of the gospel. I loved the chapter entitled God out of context which challenged me about how we need to see people in our every day lives in light of Christ. Our assumptions of people need to be knocked on the head and we need to have boldness to reach others for Christ, those we meet in every day circumstances. Too often such are "invisible" yet are known by God and he places them in our path for us to touch them. We become the one whose hem people want to touch and know Christ's healing power for themselves.


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