Pray Big by Alistair Begg
PRAY BIG by Alistair Begg Introduction – Who we pray to “I want to pray bigger and better. I want you to, too.” So begins the introduction to this book. I have to say ‘Amen’. What a man is on his knees before God, that he is and nothing more . Robert Murray McCheyne Our conversation with others declares what is on our minds. But our conversation with God in private reveals what is in our hearts. Do you ask God for anything? And when you do, are you asking him for big things? Prayer does not come easy to most of us, in most seasons. And when we do pray, our prayers often seek to do a deal with God, or they are tentative in their requests because we’re not sure God will come through; or they are, frankly so self-centred that they bring little pleasure to the Creator and Saviour of the world, as he listens to us present our shopping list of worldly requests to him. Paul was a man who knew ...