Romans A Letter that Makes Sense of Life by Andrew Ollerton
Romans A Letter That Makes Sense of Life By Andrew Ollerton Romans 8 verse 28 was the verse on our wedding order of service all those years ago. I t is one of those promise verses in scripture and I know many people wondered/still wonder why I included it. It was and is a promise from God that no matter what happens in life God has already worked things out. When I think back now 30 years later and see how God has worked things out for his glory I am in total awe and wonder that the God of the universe loves me so much and had thought of everything before it even happened. It is so good to put your trust in a God who genuinely cares today. Yes it is a mountain climb at times but it will be worth it when we reach the peak! Romans 16 Never noticed or thought about this before! Paul was probably in Corinth when he wrote Romans. Cenchreae is a nearby port. Phoebe was given the task of taking one of the most important le...