Elijah A Man of Heroism and Humility by Charles H Swindoll
ELIJAH A MAN OF HEROISM AND HUMILITY by Charles H Swindoll I haven't looked at 1 Kings in any format yet but decided instead to do a character study for a change on the life of Elijah who bursts on the scene in chapter 17. This book by Charles Swindoll has given me so much background historical evidence that it makes me want to read the book of 1 Kings now. I left 2 Samuel with David now king of Israel and his son Solomon followed him. For over 100 years the throne of Israel had been dominated by 3 kings - Saul, David and Solomon. "At the end of Solomon’s life a civil war broke out in the kingdom that had been untied under God’s anointed leadership. As strife grew in intensity, the nation became divided into a northern kingdom, most often called Israel and a southern kingdom, usually referred to as Judah. This division remained until both kingdoms fell to foreign invaders and the Jews were led away into captivity. From the beginning of that division un...