Elijah and the Secret of his Power by F B Meyer
This little book printed 49 years ago is full of challenge. Each chapter is a sermon in itself! In chapter 1 The source of Elijah's strength, Meyer looks at the background to 1 Kings chapter 17. The very start of the chapter with the word "And" indicates that it is a continuation of what has gone before. It is actually worth reading 1 Kings 16 because it really shows you that the land of Israel was in an awful state due to idolatory. How had this happened? "When men have done their worst, and finished, it is the time for God to begin. And when God begins He is likely with one blow, to reverse all that has been done without Him and to write some pages of human history, which will be a lesson and an inspiration to all coming time." By this stage in the Bible the land of Israel was divided. After Solomon died his kingdom split in 2. The southern under Rehoboam his son and the northern under Jeroboam. Jeroboam decided to set up 2 temples...