
Showing posts from January, 2021


  JACOB'S DOZEN " And Jacob called unto his sons and said, gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.  Gather yourselves together and hear, ye, sons of Jacob and hearken unto Israel, your father." Genesis 49 verses 1 and 2 Jacob could certainly testify that God had been faithful to him even though he had not always followed God's direction.  Jacob could see no future for himself but God had revealed to him the future of his descendants in a most remarkable way. Jacob's 12 sons born over 23 years through 4 different mothers.  Jacob's name means heel, had stolen through deceit his brother Esau's birthright and blessing, exiled from land of Canaan for over 20 years because was unwilling to wait for God's timing in his life.  Now all were in Egypt - all 12 of their brothers with their families and Jacob their father.  Reunited with Joseph whom they had sold into slavery in Egypt years before.  Now understo...

How Church Can Change Your Life by Josh Moody

HOW CHURCH CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE by Josh Moody Just 84 pages and 10 chapters - could be easily read in one go but no it needs time!  Josh Moody addresses 10 of the most common questions about church: Is church only for Christians? Do I need to go to church if I am a Christian? Which church is the true church? Why are there so many different kinds of churches? What is the point of baptism and communion? Why is preaching important? Why is there so much politics in church life? Should I go back if I have been hurt by church? What should I look for in a healthy church? How can I serve in a church? In each chapter Josh sets out his answer to these questions and then follows it with a story from real life, an individual who asked the same question and how they drew a conclusion that was appropriate for their circumstances.  These stories help to understand and give food for thought.  I have been attending church for a long time and found this book refreshing.  If only some ...